mardi 2 juin 2015

Free post #1 This summer

This summer I gonna work in France with my father. I'll work all the month of Jully. And the month of August i'll keep sleeping in my house.

mardi 5 mai 2015


In the past 50 years much of the rainforest in Africa and Asia has been destroyed. Large 
areas of rainforest are being cut down, often in order to remove just a few logs, and rainforest is being destroyed at double the rate of all previous estimates. Unfortunately this means that there is a very high rate of extinction, as the wildlife depending on the forest dies with it.

What can you do to help save the rainforest?

Use less paper to help save the rainforest! Paper is made from trees. If you use less paper, fewer trees will be cut down. Using less paper is easy.
Use less gasoline and plastic. Gasoline and plastic are two things that are made from oil. Instead of using gasoline to drive somewhere in a car, ride your bike, walk, carpool, or take the bus whenever possible.
Instead of buying plastic, choose glass containers whenever possible. Reuse the plastic containers and bottles that you already have. If you have a plastic water bottle, do not throw it out and buy a new one. Instead, clean it and refill it again and again.
Eat less red meat. One big reason rainforests are being destroyed is for beef. Millions of acres of rainforest are cut down and burned. The land is set on fire in order to get rid of the trees. The cleared land is then turned into grass pastures for cows. Many fast-food hamburgers in our country are made from beef that comes from burned out rainforests!

jeudi 23 avril 2015

Fantastic Photos


1- I have patiently
2- I don't quickly
3- I'm usually hard
4- I can play happily
5- I can't have nothing with carefully
6- I want badly for you
7- I have a well snail


1- My favourite photo on this page is *imagination* because this photo makes me laugh

2- Yes sometimes I take photos with my best friend or with my french friends.

3- I like all this types of photos.

4- Places.



What ... they doing? What was they doing?

What ... they do? What was they do?

Who ... she kissing? Who was she kissing?

Who ... she kiss? Who was she kiss?


1 How was she feeling?
2 Who she kiss?
3 Why she was smiling?
4 Where they live?
5 What she was holding?
6 When she sold it?



EX 3

1 To Afghanistan

2 Her name



mardi 7 avril 2015



The 26 of march I took a train in Montpellier for up to Paris. When I arrived to Paris I took a taxi to go in the house of my grand father. The 27 march I go to the house of my uncle. The 28 march I go in Reims to see my cousins. The day after i came back to home, for the diner we go to the restaurant, a chinese restaurant because here in Spain the spanish restaurants aren't good. I go to sleep and when I woke up I eat a little bit and I go in Soissons to saw my friends and we go watch fast and furious 7. This with my firend was a exelent day.When we end to watch the movie we go to eat inthe city and after eat we go to walk on the city. And I end the week with my family and my friends. This was so cool.

mardi 17 mars 2015

Social Injustice


This picture is the representation of the world. When the riches are drinking or eating, the poors are drinking or eating the remains. On the left we can see water. The water go on the mouth of the rich, and the drops of water are going on the mouth of the poor guy. The rich guy, sits on a sofa and the poor sits on the floor. This is what you can call social injustice.

vendredi 13 mars 2015

Power of images


On this picture we can see a lot of apartments.
In the middle we see a river, a bridge and a boat.
On the bridge have three cars, one bus and lamps.
The river is the Seine it crosses Paris.
On the left we can see a road with some cars, houses and trees.
On the right there have a lot of apartments, trees, a road with cars.
On the background we can see the Eiffeil Tower and the Sacré Coeur.

jeudi 8 janvier 2015

Romeo and Juliett

Romeo and Juliett

Romeo : He is a young men, not tall, he is blond air and he is not strong. He lives on Los Angeles. One day he go to the party of the Capulet's but the family of Romeo (Montague) and the family of Juliett are in war. Romeo meet Juliett in this party and he falls in love with Juliett. He comes on Juliett's house in secret.

Juliett : She is a young girl, not tall, she has red hair. She lives in Los Angeles. The family of Juliett gives a party for the marriage of Juliett with a man. But on this party Juliett meet Romeo, but the family of Juliett and the family of Romeo ,the Montague's are enemies. Juliett and Romeo fall in love the day of the party for the marriage of Juliett.