jeudi 8 janvier 2015

Romeo and Juliett

Romeo and Juliett

Romeo : He is a young men, not tall, he is blond air and he is not strong. He lives on Los Angeles. One day he go to the party of the Capulet's but the family of Romeo (Montague) and the family of Juliett are in war. Romeo meet Juliett in this party and he falls in love with Juliett. He comes on Juliett's house in secret.

Juliett : She is a young girl, not tall, she has red hair. She lives in Los Angeles. The family of Juliett gives a party for the marriage of Juliett with a man. But on this party Juliett meet Romeo, but the family of Juliett and the family of Romeo ,the Montague's are enemies. Juliett and Romeo fall in love the day of the party for the marriage of Juliett.